I know I speak for a lot of people on the esteemed FAN message board when I say: “I love the the yearly MS Paint thread so much.” It is legit my favorite thing that happens on the forum every year. At the end of each of the last few years forum members try to recreate classic WWE moments using MS Paint. The results range from amazing to horrifying but they are all entertaining.
Here is the thread so you can view all the other hilarious work: 2015 Paint Review
So I wanted to share the magic with the (w)rest of the web. So please enjoy the top ten MS Paint memories as created (and liked/voted on) by FAN members.
10. By Ken
9. By Hokago
8. By The Screwman went ALL THE WAY!
7. By Ken (again)
6. By Rocky Raccoon
5. By Injustice45
4. By Hokago (again. Really taking it to Roman this year)
3. By Spooky
2. By TheOutsider333
1.The winner (by a landslide on FAN and liked on Twitter by Big E) by Gecko