TwitterView: Boothby Graffoe!


Boothby Graffoe started out to me as a guy I started following on Twitter because of some funny thing he posted about steak once. He followed me back and I’d enjoy seeing his stuff. I didn’t realize when I asked him how big of a deal it would be to me that he agreed to it. As a fledgling stand up comedian this is the kind of guy I need to know about. I know I shouldn’t shill too hard for someone in this thing but go look him up. He’s on Wikipedia if you want an overview: You can also check him out (and buy some stuff) at his personal website:

I love the title track from his album “Wot Italian” a lot if I had to pick something off the top of my head. I can do that because I don’t have an umbrella on my head. But seriously look him up on Youtube then go buy some albums from his site. At the very least follow him on Twitter because the man is very funny. Enough of my rambling, on to his.


1. What is your first childhood memory?

The feeling i should have stayed where I was.


2. What 1990’s film title best describes your life?

“Dusk til Dawn”. “Clueless”. “Life Is Beautiful”. “Desperado”. “Dazed and Confused”. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3”. “My Own Private Idaho”. They made a lot of movies in the 90’s No wonder no one’s got any money left.


3.Who has been the biggest influence on your life? Who has been the biggest on your career?

Mahatma Gandhi, career wise.


4.If the color red made a noise, what do you think it would be?

It’s the same sound as Green. That’s why traffic lights don’t make noises.


5.Pick 15 words to use for the rest of your life. What are they? (Keep prepositions in mind)

15? What are you, nuts? What sort of weird future senarios have you planned for me?


6. What was your favorite song when you were a teenager?

“They’re coming to take me away ha ha” by Napoleon XIV


7. Erase one holiday from existance: what is it?

What? No. Why? No work is good. More holidays! Vote for me!


8. Please describe your worst date for us.

She said she thought I was the special person she was looking for. Turns out I was. Iwoke up missing a kidney.