Releases to Look Forward To In November.


With November here, it is really the year’s last stand to release some of the most anticipated albums and tracks of 2012. For some reason, albums are few around Christmas Time and with that bands scramble to have something to present to their fans before the new year. That being said, there really are a lot of (potential) great releases coming up this month. This month finds us with a lot of heavier releases from some of Hard Rock’s most iconic bands, Hip Hop’s most classic and essential acts, and one of indie-electronic’s star projects.



Deftones – “Koi No Yokan” 

Two years after their career making record “Diamond Eyes” the Deftones seem to be finally stepping out of their low-profile, but highly influential status as Nu-Metal’s precious hidden treasure into the frontline. “Diamond Eyes” was the quintet’s most commercially successful album and became the band’s most polished and matured set of songs to date. Now coming back with “Koi No Yokan” the band find themselves evolving even further into a obscure, perhaps even avant-garde, metal with the powerful and pleasantly odd “Leathers.”  However, The Deftones have not lost their tight sense of melodic darkness with the song “The Tempest.” The two tracks prove that this may be the Deftones most interesting release ever, but whether it will be enough to top the still fresh and rhythmic heavy metal groove of Diamond Eyes remains to be heard until November 13.



Soundgarden – “King Animal”

Sing and rejoice because one the 90s’ most melodically intelligent hard rock bands will finally be releasing their first album in 16 years also on November 13. Chris Cornell and gang have been busy playing gigs and making the theme song for “The Avengers” this year, but on top of that they’ve also managed to record an album. However, something about their lead single “Been Away Too Long”  doesn’t convince me that Soundgarden is putting their all into this momentous release. Chris Cornell’s once bone chilling, god-like voice sounds damaged and over used and that’s fine, but I figured its nothing a little studio magic couldn’t fix. However, what really is lacking with this track is the psychedelic Black Sabbath meets Beatles sludgy sound of greats such as “Fell On Black Days”  and “Like Suicide.”  I may be quick to judge, but I will certainly see how my claims stack up to finish product later this month.



How To Destroy Angels – “An Omen” 

Fans all over the world will be able to inhale a breath of fresh melancholic, industrial air when Trent Reznor and his beautiful wife, Mariqueen Maandig’s most recent project How To Destroy Angels release “An Omen.” Now if you are looking for a Trent Reznor project that sounds like something a million miles away from Nine Inch Nails you might be disappointed by their latest track “Keep It Together.”  However, if you ever thought it would be cool if a woman sang some Nine Inch Nails songs, this EP may be right up your ally. It seems that Trent Reznor has a one track creative mind when it comes to his writing, but I can’t complain because the thing about Trent Reznor is his music always sounds 20 years ahead of his time and it’s been over 20 years since he first released Nine Inch Nails amazing first album “Pretty Hate Machine.” So never fear Nine Inch Nails fans, you’re going to get your fix soon when How To Destroy Angels’ “An Omen” is released on….. wow… also November 13.



Crystal Castles – “III” 

Ok guys, I’m just gonna level with you here. This one comes out on November 13 also. Going to be a busy week for me for sure. Crystal Castles has been one of the most extreme and interesting acts to come out of indie music in the last five years. I have once jokingly described Crystal Castles as Depeche Mode playing Super Nintendo with its underaged girlfriend while pounding red bulls, but there is a bit of truth to that description. Their spastic, they have a sort of minimalist “beep boop” type sound to them, and they definitely draw influence from the depressive state of 80s gothic alternative. From what songs like “Plague” and “Wrath of God” tell me is that the Crystal Castles have evolved and moved on to the Nintendo 64. In all seriousness, they have already accomplished a lot in their short career with two critically acclaimed albums and have collaborated with The Cure frontman Robert Smith so it’ll be very interesting to see whats to come on Crystal Castles’ third installment into their virtual music career.



Public Enemy – “Most of My Heroes Still Don’t Appear on No Stamp” and “The Evil Empire of Everything” 

Surprise! This one comes out next week, November 6. November 13 can kiss this record’s ass! Public Enemy strikes fear into every aging New York policeman and politician that was around when 1988’s “It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back” and arguably the most influential track in hip-hop’s history “Fight The Power” hit the shelves. Now the prolific hip-hop group has returned with a double album featuring collabs like “Rltk” with DMC and “Most of My Heroes Still” with Z-Trip. With hip-hop trends going further and further into separate and odd directions it might be a breath of fresh air to hear some new rhymes from Public Enemy and bring the young guys off their high horses for a little while. If anyone can do it, its these guys.