Anime Interview Time: Yukie Dong

In the world of otaku subculture, a star rises. And that star goes by the name of Yukie Dong. She has garnered much attention with her performances of Anime and video game music. Although unlike other otaku that have picked up the mic., you aren’t listening to Yukie sing like a jpop idol. She becomes an idol. Yukie transports you to Japan with every performance. Indeed America now has their own Japanese style vocalist to rival the Japanese themselves.

Yukie Dong has performed in many anime conventions in California, but is set to be an international performer since she is ready to perform at Genk 2011 in Denmark this August. (With luck, maybe she’ll become an intergalactic star too.)

Even best of all is the fact that her own original music is set to come out soon.(take that all you cover artist!)

Now I’m not exactly sure why she agreed to an interview with an odd, semi literate being like myself. I’m guessing me being a digital demon from the planet Fanboy might coincide with both her love of anime and alien creatures.

Courtesy of BlizzardTerrak Photography

Yukie is very soft spoken and sweet in person.(if she were to stab you, you would probably go “aww” over  the cute way it was done)  But don’t let that fool you. She can be powerful and take control when the situation arises.

So here is the interview. Enjoy.
My apologies for the noisy crowd around us. I made sure they were all eaten alive by chibi zombies after the interview was over.

Visit Yukie at ;!/yukiedong1