Anime & Manga, Movies, Reviews Review: One Piece Film Red takes the shonen powerhouse on a triumphant musical adventure Author Koda Kazar Date November 1, 2022 Film entries in established anime series tend to follow a specific formula. The series’...
Comic Books, Movies, Reviews Review: Black Adam lacks the spark DC was looking for Author Koda Kazar Date October 25, 2022 In development for nearly as long as its titular character lay dormant, Black Adam...
Anime & Manga, Uncategorized, Video Games Twitchcon 2022 Recap Author glitch Date October 17, 2022 Well humans, I went down to San Diego and decided to partake an the...
Uncategorized Review: Blonde can’t get out of its own way, trading in the glamour for just being gruesome Author Justin Seals Date October 3, 2022 By many accounts, the actor born Norma Jean Baker was a far more shrewd...
Uncategorized Review: The Woman King stands out with thrills going back to the style of classic Hollywood epics Author Justin Seals Date October 3, 2022 So after you’ve become an EGOT, what’s a Hollywood superstar to do? Viola Davis...
Uncategorized Review: The mystery spoof See How They Run has some sweetness alongside its sassy lampooning of Agatha Christie Author Justin Seals Date September 30, 2022 My congratulations to Rian Johnson, because his recent whodunit hit Knives Out has sparked...
Uncategorized Review: It was wild action and a witty cast that made Bullet Train #1 with part of its title Author Justin Seals Date September 30, 2022 I’ve had plenty of times where I’ve been at odds with critics on a...
Uncategorized Review: No, the high-flying Top Gun: Maverick hasn’t lost any of its loving feeling Author Justin Seals Date September 30, 2022 Top Gun: Maverick is a movie that believes less is more, but that’s not...
Uncategorized Review: They/Them has some admirable goals in its story, but it can’t translate them into fun scares Author Justin Seals Date September 30, 2022 Have you ever seen a film where you can give it props for its...