Movies, Television, Videos VKMTV Presents – Joel, Crow and Tom Servo of MST3K on Shark Tank MASHUP Author VKMTV Date April 10, 2015 Joel Robinson of Mystery Science Theater 3000 pitches products to Shark Tank. Who would...
Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: The DeMott DeBate Author Brian Zane Date April 9, 2015 Why did Bill DeMott’s alleged actions as NXT head trainer cause such a divide...
Video Games, Videos Kya dark lineage Review Author Dukect Date April 2, 2015 My 1st video game review for 2015 and its an a game most people...
Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: Wrestlemania 31 Review Author Brian Zane Date April 2, 2015 Lots of people thought WM31 would suck, but did it suck? No, it did...
Music, Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: Be A Man Author Brian Zane Date March 26, 2015 What better way to honor Randy Savage’s legacy as he enters the WWE Hall...
Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: Wrestling Madness Board Game Author Brian Zane Date March 19, 2015 Brian Zane has seen a lot of weird wrestling merchandise over the years…but nothing...
Podcasts, Video Games, Videos, Wrestling Dukect lounge:3DS kicks Ass/Dave Meltzer vs WWE Hate watchers Author Dukect Date March 14, 2015 Today on the Dukect Lounge I talk about the New 3DS XL System selling...
Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: The “Legend” of Supertramp Author Brian Zane Date March 12, 2015 What? You’ve never heard of the legendary old-school wrestler Supertramp? Let Brian Zane educate...
Videos, Wrestling Wrestling With Wregret: DDP in WWE Author Brian Zane Date March 9, 2015 How did Diamond Dallas Page go from one of pro wrestling’s biggest stars to...