Podcasts, Television DR GOLD Presents: DR GOLD’s TV Tuners 21 – Hilarifying Author Jesse Swanson Date May 27, 2015 Welcome to TV Tuners! TV Tuners is a podcast that follows Swanson and Kiorein...
Podcasts, Wrestling Dukect lounge:NXT Unstoppable review/TNA Canceled again Author Dukect Date May 22, 2015 Today on the Dukect Lounge I review the latest NXT Takeover special Unstoppable and...
Podcasts, Television DR GOLD Presents: DR GOLD’s TV Tuners 20 – Action Butler Author Jesse Swanson Date May 21, 2015 Welcome to TV Tuners! TV Tuners is a podcast that follows Swanson and Kiorein...
Podcasts, Wrestling Dukect lounge A Rowdy look at the WWE Network Author Dukect Date May 15, 2015 Today on the Dukect Lounge I have a very special guest coming to the...
Podcasts, Television DR GOLD Presents: DR GOLD’s TV Tuners 19 – Chicken Legs, Lickin’ Legs Author Jesse Swanson Date May 13, 2015 Welcome to TV Tuners! TV Tuners is a podcast that follows Swanson and Kiorein...
Podcasts, Video Games, Videos, Wrestling Dukect lounge:Seth rollins being over exposed/Nintendo Theme Park Author Dukect Date May 9, 2015 Today on the Dukect Lounge I get into a subject that has been talked...
Podcasts, Television DR GOLD Presents: DR GOLD’s TV Tuners 18 – The Mineral Patrol Author Jesse Swanson Date May 7, 2015 Welcome to TV Tuners! TV Tuners is a podcast that follows Swanson and Kiorein...
Podcasts, Video Games, Videos, Wrestling Dukect lounge:King of the ring review/Konami screwing up Author Dukect Date May 1, 2015 Today on the Dukect Lounge I talk about this years WWE’s King of the...
Podcasts, Television DR GOLD’s TV Tuners 17 – Far From Finished Author Jesse Swanson Date April 30, 2015 Welcome to TV Tuners! TV Tuners is a podcast that follows Swanson and Kiorein...