Dukect lounge: Bethesda can’t stop taking L’s/ Who Attacked Roman Reigns

On this week’s Dukect Lounge I talk about Bethesda surprising old school Doom fans with the re-release of all 3 doom games then needing Bethesda.net login and an active Internet connection to play them…OOF.

And speaking of oof someone tried to take out Roman Reigns but failed miserably. But the question becomes who was the one who tried to take out the Big Dog? I’ll talk about that and more here in the Lounge.

Bethesda article: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/07/bethesda-working-to-remove-login-requirement-for-doom-re-releases/

The Dukect Lounge is Live every Wednesday night at 10 PM EST on talkshoe.com