Synopsis: A girl and her friends must fight – and sing – their way through a zombie invasion to reach the supposed safety of their school, not knowing if their parents and friends will still be alive when they get there.
It seems that Christmas is competing with summer blockbusters now as far as movies and original TV shows go [I’m talking about you, Netflix] because there have been several memorable trailers that hit the airwaves with a fall/winter release date, including this kick-ass trailer for Anna and the Apocalypse.
This zombie horror-musical-comedy has the dark, satirical effect of what attracts us to iconic horror films like Hot Fuzz or Cooties, but is also a musical?? Not to mention, these kids seem completely fine with the fact that the world has ended and they get to take their teenage angst out on the living dead.
Something about zombies and Christmas in a tiny town doesn’t quite mix, but that’s why this holiday-buff is all about this movie; it looks totally weird and fun.
You can find Alyson on Twitter @alyjour when she’s not co-hosting the Squibardry podcast!