TwitterView: FAN’s own “Smark Guy” Andrew Leslie

FAN’s resident smark and comic book lover Andrew Leslie is (and I quote) “a no-budget, short-form, videographer. He’s made music videos for Richmond, CA’s indie rappers & your mom.” I don’t know if my mom’s single is on Youtube yet but Andrew did a great job.

Along with his…sidekick? Maria, this denizen of Oakland guides us through the  previous week in wrestling each Monday with the ever changing “Smark and Casual Wrestling Podcast” and enjoys much more success now that they don’t talk about me. I know he’s got a great work ethic because we started writing here at the same time and he’s got like 25 more pages of material. I bow to him and you might to while learning more about Andrew Leslie in this TwitterView:

Andrew and Maria at "work"


1. Would you rather share your room or car with someone?

A. I only take public transportation so I share all my rides. STAY OUT OF MY ROOM.


2. Would you prefer to travel to the past or future and why?

A. Future. In many ways I am traveling to the future by being alive. The past is dead to me.


3. Did you prefer heels or flats? (random questions, sorry)

A. The Utah flats are very majestic.


4. Did your teachers allow you to chew gum in school?

A. Gum was forbidden in Omicron class. Gum chewers were cast into Outland & erased from the collective’s memory.


5. What is your best dance move?

A. The Irish Goodbye


6. What’s the worst thing you’ll admit to doing?

A. Buying clothes made in sweatshops. I try not to, then feel gutted when I do it, accidentally or otherwise.


7. If you had to kill one of the Wilson brothers, would it be Luke or Owen?

A. I honestly can’t remember which one is which right now. The not-Armageddon one.


8. What Laptop a brand do you use?

A. Toshiba. Probably made in a sweatshop. Thanks for the  guilt trip.


9. Would Rather Own KFC or McDonald’s?

A.  KFC because I read a lot of CHEW and it seems more dangerous


I used this to draw attention to Andrew that you're Twitter tag has changed. Update your profile bro!