TwitterView: F.A.N.’s own Connor Mullen

Although Connor hasn’t posted anything on the F.A.N. website since February, he managed to take time out of his day to answer some question via Twitter. That sentence may have have seemed snarky, but I feel like I know him well enough since I snip back in forth with him @MrConnorMullen to say it. Mr. Mullen is a music connoisseur and did not provide much of a bio for me. I was going to pilfer info from his Facebook and Word Press but I decided not to share too much. I know he’s into ROH and broadcasting , so let’s hope one day he replaces that dreadful Kevin Kelly. Let’s all learn a little more about Connor with this week’s TwitterView:

I think we've also learned his favorite cereal

Q. Who’s your favorite pop star?

A. Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake.


Q. What is your first memory?

A. 1st memory is playing in a ballpit at this old Chuck E. Cheese type place.


Q. Can you explain in 140 characters how you feel about your favorite aunt?

A. I have two favs. They both own or co-own a business. I admire them for that.


Q. What’s your favorite horror movie?

A.  Don’t watch a lot of em. Saw Mama this year though, so I’ll say that.


Q. Favorite flavor of ice cream and what is the best thing about it?

A. Moose tracks. It’s pretty much chocolate ice cream…without it being chocolate ice cream.


Q. And finally, what is it about writing that you enjoy? (can relate to FAN if you wish)

A.  The freedom to be as good or (as in my case) bad as I wanna be.

He also once told me he doesn't enjoy looking 14. I don't know why, he looks great.