A look back at the threads of the F.A.N. forum: Taker Is Mean

In the long and storied history of the F.A.N. forum there have been threads that have taken a life of their own just because of how strange, outlandish and hilarious they are. Among them is the Taker Is Mean thread started by Savior Again John Forth on July 20, 2008.

It began as a fad on AOL Instant Messenger where people would say mean things that The Undertaker did. Examples that Savior Again John Forth listed in the original post are the following while giving credit to whoever came up with the mean things Taker did:

“Taker goes to 7-11 and ripes the Playboy Centerfolds out – Me

Taker viewed the soulja boy video every minute for weeks to get the view count up high-Bootytime

Taker turns around to the person behind him in a restaurant and says “Im not sure what I want to order” and proceeds to pick up their chicken breast and look it over before deciding that is what he wants-Edgehead

Taker always yells BOOM when he knocks your basketball away-Lithium

Taker drives fast to get around you, then slows down once he is in front of your car-A-dubya

taker pauses the game then quits as your about to win in mario kart-James”


There really isn’t much too say about this thread. It consists of people listing mean things that The Undertaker did with hilarious results. The Taker Is Mean thread is archived at the F.A.N. forum and can be read here.

Additionally, if anyone has any requests for the “A look back at the threads of the F.A.N. forum” columns feel free to send me a private message at the F.A.N. forum.