FCW 07/17/11

This week on the show, it’s the FCW Title on the line as Johnny Curtis looks to climb the mountain (and knowing him, literally probably). The Tag Team Titles are also on the line as Calvin Raines and Big E Langston defend against Percy Watson and Tito Colon. But up first, it’s hot ring announcer action.

Ricardo Rodriquez

Hopefully he is more successful then Howard Finkel

Ricardo Rodriquez vs Richie Steamboat
-I’m actually excited for this match, as the little I’ve seen of Ricardo I’ve liked, and Richie is one of the top talents in FCW. Even if he wasn’t the son of Ricky Steamboat, he’d still be in FCW. Apparently William Regal smacked Rickie Steamboat when he was 5 for picking his nose. A true villain Mr. Regal is. Hot action to start off, but Ricardo gets the advantage with a backdrop to the outside and Steamboat lands face first on the steps. Ricardo gets the advantage and lays the beat down on Richie. He’s got the face that one could punch in the face over and over, and not stop till he’s dead. He’s got some Michael Cole style tattoos as well. Abdominal stretch by Ricardo. Turns into a tilt a whirl by Richie gets an elbow and an advantage. Steamboat hits a Pearl River Plunge of all things on Ricardo but only gets a 2 count. Lots of quick back and forth pins, but Ricardo runs into a big superkick. Richie goes for the pin and gets the victory.

Winner: Richie Steamboat

Briley and Bo

Cool story bro!

Briley Pierce has a pre-recorded interview with Bo Rotundo. Poor Dolph Ziggler’s brother. General babyface interview. He’s looking forward to having a good match with Johnny, all that good stuff, but that’s not the intriguing part of the interview. At the end, Bo leaves and the camera focuses on something in the background.

Regal and Maxine

If Daniel Bryan went out with Regal to bars, he could pick up seedy women like this too!

Apparently that was one of the birds Regal wanted to go to the bars with Daniel Bryan to pick up, for those who watch Z! True Long Island Stories. We come back to the announce table and Matt seems pretty shocked. Regal goes to commercial.

YES, they were in FCW:
Buck Dixon

Buck Dixon

The Melting Man

If there was anyone in FCW that was famous on the FAN forums, it’s this man. Buck Dixon, aka, the Melting Man. This Adonis is the son of one of my favourite growing up, Henry Godwinn. Buck came in as the bodyguard for Maxine and well, didn’t do too much after that. He was in a few matches on television, but didn’t do anything special, or live up to the Godwinn name I guess. Apparently, according to his profile, which is still online, he’s a “more up to date” country boy according to his profile, whatever that means. Buck came to prominence on the FAN forum though by another name. The Melting Man, due to his body, which looked like it was melting. A man who melted the hearts of millions, just like his body, Buck Dixon!

We then come back with Briley doing another interview, this time with Johnny Curtis. It’s kinda like how TNA is booked, except this actually has something to do with wrestling. He says Briley has a nice tie. He says he’s done everything there is to do in FCW except be Florida Heavyweight Champion (and be FCW 15 Champion I guess). Another babyface promo. Respect’s out the window tonight.

Johnny Curtis

Problem, FCW?

Tag Team Title Match
Calvin Raines and Big E Langston (c) vs Percy Watson and Tito Colon

The makeshift team of last week gets their big match and in their second match, they get their title match. I guess no one else is ready for a title shot, so they get this random team. Tito and Percy have never been champions yet in FCW (though Tito’s buddy Epico held the tag title. Tito and Epico have a relationship similar to Christopher Daniels and Curry Man). Regal puts over MVP without saying his name, saying Percy had some very talented pros in his career. Leg lariat by Percy Watson and Percy is getting the advantage at the beginning. He gets taken out to the outside of the ring though after a boot on the apron. The match feels similar to their match last week with Percy getting the other end of the beating. Raines gets back in and some decent double teaming on their part.  Quick tags in and out. Big E by the way was a national power lifter, like, a 700 pound dead lift or something. They talk about how the former Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett was a Florida Tag Team Champion along with Drew McIntyre. So, our British friend William Regal has a joke.

Regal: Do you know why do Scotsman wear kilts?
Marlaro: I have a feeling you do.
Regal: Because sheep got used to the sound of a zip.

Calvin Raines

Calvin Raines didn't take Regal's advice.

Regal is an awesome commentator. Anyway, Matt tries to compose himself. Showtime still taking a beating from both guys. Some vicious shoulder tackles in the corner by Langston, one of his favourite moves. Percy throws Langston shoulder first into Calvin and they both go to the outside. Tito gets the hot tag and is showing that babyface fire. Big DDT by Colon, then a springboard flip, shades of his cousin Carlito. Raines picks up Tito though and puts him on Langston’s shoulder, who hits the Big Ending. THAT SHOOK THE RING. Calvin hooks the leg and gets the pin.

Winner and STILL Champions: Calvin Raines & Big E Langston

We now go to Briley Pierce (again, man, maybe this guy does have a good gig with the TV time he gets). We see Audrey Marie and Sonia, who I do believe are making their in ring debuts here. They are facing AJ and Aksana. Audrey says you can decorate a cow all you want to, but it’s still a cow. With a thick southern accent. Sonia says she likes Audrey, and she likes her too. They say they will be known as losers, AJ and Aksana. I definitely got the lesbian vibes from them. Sonia also seems to have a lot of pauses during her speech, she talks like a run on sentence.

Audrey and Sonia

Are all female wrestlers closeted lesbians?

AJ Lee & Aksana vs Audrey Marie & Sonia

This my first look at Audrey Marie and Sonia. Her mentioning of cows brings up the second farm animal this evening, with Regal mentioning the sheep. The ref tries to get the timekeeper to ring the bell, but the time keeper seems to not be paying attention. Match starts out with AJ hitting an elbow. Miss Lawler gets AJ in the corner though, and seems to be screaming. Makes the tag to Audrey. She takes her out of the corner, and like, does anyone remember Scott Steiner vs Christian, where Steiner held Christian’s head, and Christian rammed himself into the steps. That’s what happened with AJ and Sonia, where Audrey just holds her there, and then AJ goes flying. Audrey then locks her in the camel clutch, making her humble! What a nose that Audrey chick has, she wakes up to smell the coffee all the way in Brazil (copyright Jason Sensaion). Releases her for some reason. AJ backs Audrey off in her opponent’s corner and gets the tag. Sonia does a nerve hold ala Yokozuna, then roles her back in this modified surfboard. Not applied to the best effect as Regal says. AJ gets the tag and in comes Aksana with some clotheslines. Big bodyslam by Aksana. Audrey rolls up Aksana, feet on the ropes but the ref sees it. Aksana then hits a kick to the head and gets the pin.

Winners: AJ & Aksana

Alexander Rusev w/Raquel Diaz vs Mike Dalton

Raquel Diaz

I really should be posting the guys in the match. Oh well. MAMACITA!

Raquel Diaz announces Alexander Rusev to the ring. 140 kilos this guy is. The METRIC SYSTEM! Out comes Mike Dalton, a trainee of Lance Storm, my future trainer. Imagine, some day I could be in there getting killed by this guy. Rusev bullrushes Dalton in the corner and hit some shoulder blocks, then some jumping knee lifts. Rusev hits a full nelson then throws Dalton into the buckle. He then drops his elbow on the throat of Dalton. Rusev runs in for a 747 in the corner, and misses. Rusev gets the advantage back but Dalton grabs a victory roll. Rusev does this weird rolling waist lock thingy then hits a German Suplex and gets the pin.

Winner: Alexander Rusev

Superstar Profile: Bo Rotundo.

Bo Rotundo

Bo reprising his role as a chain chomp

Time to discuss the man in FCW, Bo Rotundo. Bo was one of those guys who went through a number of names before becoming Bo. He came into FCW at the age of 18 I do believe, and is the youngest member of the WWE roster currently, FCW included. And a few months older then my little sister by the way. Bo came in under his real name, Taylor Rotunda, which changed to Tank Rotunda, then Bo Rotunda, and now Bo Rotundo. Man, I thought Lucky Cannon had it bad, geez.

Bo was originally a football player, a linebacker, whatever the hell that is. After a scholarship fell through, he decided to become a wrestler, and his Dad helped him get a job at WWE. So, Bo essentially had genes to thank for getting his foot in the door, but Bo hasn’t become a George Gulas type where he was shoved into a spot due to his father. Bo has spent a lot of time in FCW, one of the longest tenures there currently and is proving that he’s not just there because of his name.

It’s now time for our MAIN EVENT!!

FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship Match
Bo Rotundo (c) vs Johnny Curtis

Quick action at the start, including a quick roll up by Bo. A school boy if you will. Well, that’s a pun I don’t want to go for. Bo goes to whip Curtis into the turnbuckle, but Bo slips for some reason and looks like he hurt his knee. After a commercial break, we see Curtis on the floor, like, something odd I will say. Both men eventually knock heads when Bo whips him into the ropes. Lots of time on the mat by both guys here. Lots of headbutts on Bo’s part and more whipping into the corners, the theme of the match it seems. Bo hits the spear and Curtis kicks out, kicking out of a finish. Curtis gets the advantage back including an attempted kitchen sink type move and an atomic drop/backsuplex. Curtis hits the legdrop from the top and Bo kicks out there. A number of near falls from both guys follows. Curtis goes for the legdrop again but the pool was empty. Bo hits a second spear and that’s what finishes off Johnny.

Johnny Curtis has been chasing the Florida Heavyweight Title for a long time, so this is a big opportunity for Mr. Curtis. Back and forth wrestling by both men, feeling each other out.

Winner and STILL Champion: Bo Rotundo


Bo after a successful title match

A hug and a handshake follows. Sportsmanship at the end of the show here.